
Economic and Political Weekly is published by Sameeksha Trust. Access to content from 2018 to the present 2024 is included in a subscription.


Please Note: The back files of EPW from 1966-2017 are also available on the JSTOR platform subscribed for selected institutions under eSS:

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Encompassing all 310 publications, eJournals Premier is the flagship collection from Emerald Publishing. Back files Access are available from 1994 onwards for all available journals.

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Titles List-Emerald Premier Collection

EPWRF India Time Series is an interactive online database on the Indian economy and society, developed and maintained by Economic & Political Weekly Research Foundation (EPWRF). The database provides time series data, structured in 21 subject modules; several of these modules have state level data, and data relating to the rural sector. The data has been collated from secondary sources, such as publications of government ministries/departments and Reserve Bank of India. The data series starts generally from the early 1950s, and the time horizon would vary depending upon the data availability. Embedded query facility is very user friendly. The database also has the facility of export data to excel.

Click Here

ISID has developed databases on various aspects of the Indian economy, particularly concerning industry and the corporate sector. It has created On-line Indexes of Indian Social Science Journals (OLI) and Press Clippings on diverse social science subjects. It provides access to Indexes of 262 Indian Social Science journals and major newspaper articles, editorials and news features.

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JSTOR Archive provides access to more than 3000 journals and primary content. The collections available to the members of the Consortium are Art & Sciences I–XII, Life Sciences, Ireland, Ecology & Botany II, Global Plants, 19th-Century British Pamphlets, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa, World Heritage Sites: Africa, Business IV.

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This collection provides full-text access to more than 262 electronic journals in the field of social sciences, humanities, and management with back files from 1996 onwards.

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Titles List Oxford Journals

It covers such subjects as Adult and Continuing Education, Assessment, Content Areas, Curriculum, Early Childhood Education, Educational Administration, Educational Policy, Educational Psychology, Elementary and Primary Education, Family and Community, High School and Secondary Education, Higher Education, International Education, Leadership, Measurement and Testing, Middle School Education, Multicultural Education and Diversity, Multilingual Education, Philosophy of Education, Professional Development, Research Methods and Evaluation, School Counseling, School Finance and Budgeting, School Funding, School Health, School Law, School Reform, Special Education and Gifted Education, Standards, Teaching and Instruction, Teaching Methods, Technology, Theory of Education, and Vocational Education.
This collection includes 147 peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE. Access to content from January 1999 to the present is included in a collection subscription.

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Titles List Sage: Education Collection

This collection includes 149 peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE. Access to content from January 1999 to the present is included in a collection subscription.

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Titles List Sage: Management & Organization Studies Collection

Springer is the publisher of the world’s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. This collection includes 1700 journals published by Springer. The archival access is provided from 1997 onwards.

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Titles List Springer Journals

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PLEASE NOTE: All e-Resources are subscribed by the NIEPA library for academic purpose only and exclusively restricted to the authorized users of the Institute. Please, do not share your Username and Password with anyone. It can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed library material.